The common denominator within our company — in every area and every activity — is the strong undercurrent of a family business that coexists on an increasingly global scale. Deep ethical values have always been embedded in our DNA, enabling us to place the individuals who work with us at the centre of each activity, listening to what they have to say as we make decisions. We respect the individual and are committed to ensuring that everyone can grow in a stimulating, diverse and inclusive work environment, a workplace that fosters personal growth and business sustainability.
Our ethical approach to work is reflected in the relationships we have built over the years with our dealers, often long-standing and loyal relationships, many of which are already in their “second generation”. To this end, we have always relied on the following: respect and brainstorming, utmost loyalty, training and keeping our partners up to date, protecting and maintaining assigned areas, transparency and the desire to participate in a great project with them all.
It is only natural that MA-FRA S.p.A. has implemented corporate responsibility policies, as evidenced by its joining the Global Compact in August 2005. Promoted by the United Nations at the direct initiative of the Secretary General, the Global Compact is an action programme aimed at involving the business world in a sort of collaboration with the United Nations, through adherence to ten universal principlescovering human rights, labour protection, environmental protection and the fight against corruption.
MA-FRA S.p.A. also supports Amref Health Africa, the non-governmental organisation operating in 35 sub-Saharan countries that seeks to improve health in Africa through the active involvement of local communities. Amref Health Africa is committed to improving access to healthcare for African communities and make it sustainable by training healthcare workers, investing in public health and expanding the delivery of innovative services.

Via Manfredo Camperio, 9 – 20123 Milan (Italy)
C.F. e P.IVA 10457930963